Law and legal studies
Criminal Courts and Lay People A Level Law revision cards
CRIMINAL COURTS AND LAY PEOPLE - A Level Law revision cards
Revision cards covering the following topics:
Criminal proceeding: UK courts
Pre-trial procedures
Classifying criminal cases
Appeals and appellate courts
Criminal Justice Act 1988
The aims of sentencing
Factors affecting sentencing
Types of sentences
Lay magistrates and juries
A-Level Psychology Revision Cards
Save money with this bundle of excellent revision resources. Revision card packs are concise, contain complementary images and also come with evaluation !
Revision packs for the following topics are provided:
Approaches in psychology
Eating Behaviours
Forensic Psychology
Social Influence
[Print 2/page on card]
EU and Parliamentary Sovereignty notes
Key case notes on the relationship between the European Union and the concept of Parliamentary Sovereignty.
Parliamentary Sovereignty
Detailed notes for ‘Parliamentary Sovereignty’
The principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty is outlined and analysed using key cases.
Topics notes cover:
The UK courts on PS + key cases
Sources of PS
The principle of entrenchment
Interpretations of sovereignty, arguments for and against
Implied Repeal + key cases
'The Legal System' A Level Law revision cards.
’The Legal System’ A Level Law revision cards.
A Level Revision cards for the following topics:
Civil courts and dispute resolution
Jurisdiction: county and high court
Pre-trial procedures
Defending a claim
Appeals and Appellate court
Employment tribunals and ADR
Negotiation / mediation / arbitration
Print 2/page on card
Judicial Interpretation Notes
Judicial Review Notes
Topics included:
Explanation and arguments for and against judicial supremacy
Statutory Interpretation
Primacy of the text
The Plain Meaning Rule
The Golden Rule
The Mischief Rule
The Human Rights Act
Key Cases
Corporate Homicide Criminal Law Revision Cards
Corporate Homicide Criminal Law Revision Cards
Topics included:
The identification principle
Vicarious Liability
The Corporate Homicide and Manslaughter Act 2007.
Key cases for each legal issue
[print 2/page on card]
Forensic Psychology revision cards
A Level Psychology - Forensic Psychology revision cards
Offender profiling [top down and bottom up] + evaluation
Biological explanations of offending - atavistic form, genetic and neural explanations + evaluation
Psychological explanations - Eysenck’s theory + evaluation
Psychological explanations - Cognitive explanations + evaluation
Psychological explanations - Differential association theory + evaluation
Psychological explanations - Psychodynamic explanations + evaluation
Dealing with offender behaviour - Custodial sentencing + evaluation
Dealing with offender behaviour - Behaviour modification + evaluation
Dealing with offender behaviour - Anger management + evaluation
Dealing with offender behaviour - Restorative Justice + evaluation
[Print 2/page on card]
Constitutions Revision Cards
Revision Cards for topic on CONSTITUTIONS
Relevant and key constitutional cases are provided to promote a well developed argument.
Topics included:
Outline of the British Constitution
Types of constitutions: Monarchical/Republican/Federal/Unitary/Written/Unwritten
The Constitution as a text
Constitutions above and below the nation state (ECHR)
Exploring British exceptionalism: Historical and philosophical reasoning
Issues with the absence of a codified constitution
The Constitution as a rulebook
Political constitutionalism
Legal constitutionalism
Constitutional rules contained in common law
Legal constitutionalism
Should the UK adopt a codified constitution; arguments for and against.
Print 2/page on card.
EU Institutions notes
Topic: EU Institutions
A detailed outline of the key executive institutions of the European Union:
The European Council
The Council of the European Union
The Commission
The European Parliament
Homicide Defences Revision Cards
‘Defences for Homicide’ Revision Cards.
Topics covered:
Rulings of older provisions in the ‘Loss of Self Control’
The Homicide Act, 2009
The modern law on the loss of self control
Self Defence: The objective + Subjective test
Key cases covered.
[Print 2/page on card]
Criminal Law, 'Homicide' Revision Cards
Revision Cards on topic: Homicide
Rulings in older provisions
Gross negligence manslaughter
Unlawful Act manslaughter
[Includes key statutes and cases]
[Print 2 per page/on card]
Legal Personnel A Level Law Revision Cards
Legal Personnel A Level Law Revision Cards
Legal representatives: Barristers, Solicitors and Legal Executives
The regulation of legal representatives
The Judiciary
The role of judges in civil and criminal courts
The separation of powers
The independence of the judiciary